Sunday, June 8, 2008

are you engaged in the adventure?

Once again no pictures, but that just means that once I do decide to put picutres up there will be tons so be patient.

I must say that I have been getting much more comfortable and settled here. I have gotten into the routine of getting up early and going to work and then attempting to explore as much as I can in this great city while not working. I am deiscovering that my boss really does love to work. We generally leave the house around 7 arrive at 7:30ish and work until about 6. So from that respect I am really getting a taste of what it means to put in a full day at the office, a very important lesson to learn I must say. On the other side of the coin, I am trying to fight the urge to just crash when we get home. I have been blessed with meeting a group of people that are around my age and are very fun. Most have been in Xiamen and while or grew up here so they have been showing me around to all the local joints. On girl had a book of questions that we spent hours one night just asking each other. Anything from absurdly funny to serious. At one point we were laughing so much we got the guard called on us, good times. One night we went to a salon to have our hair washed and get a scalp massage. It was amazing, and only $3, I love this country. I even scared the person massaging me. I don't think that it is in their culture to do something like that but it made for a great reaction. On Sunday afternoon I went to a thing called and English Corner, a place where locals can practice there English with someone who is fluent. It was a blast. It was hard to understand some times due to the rooom being full of people talking and very loud, but it was a great way to learn about the culture and the people. I really need to start taking more pictures, i just always forget to take my camera places.

zai jian! (goodbye)


Adam Cramer said...

Mikey! I'm pumped for you man! Sounds like you are having an awesome time over there. I miss China like crazy. Enjoy it while you can!

David said...

Yo Mike!! sounds like youre working hard- but playing hard! i wish i could come visit you... im only a couple thousand dollars short of making that happen. haha. i want to go an English Corner! that sounds fun. and i loved the Japan pics. its so interesting how their archetecture is. i miss you!